Saturday, July 31, 2010

Better go and get your armor...

"Don't try to explain your mind
I know what's happening here
One minute it's love
And suddenly it's like a battlefield" - Jordin Sparks

One time a good friend of mine gave me some really good advice, being the Libra woman that she is I couldn't of ever expected her to tell me anything outside of the cold hard straight truth - she said:
"We have a saying in Spanish that describes the way you are its,
"Ladron judzga por su condicion" or "A thief judges by his own condition"

What she said that day rang true so deep to my heart, I remember being taken back at first by her frankness, and then really meditating on the words that she said.

I am a weird person, no doubt, when it comes to relationships, I often challenge the norm and ask the tough questions of "why" and "who said so" for many of the items that come standard for many in relationships.

I think of sex as an expression of ones self and often feel like its can be loveless if need be

I believe that there is a difference in filling an urge and making love and one shouldn't be faulted for urges

I consider honesty the absolute best answer if you have knowingly stepped outside the confines of the relationship you are in. Important to add is these are your confines, not the ones that everyone else puts on relationships, yours and your partners.

So one could say I am a bit liberal and progressive in my ideas regarding a relationship (said nicely), but normally I try to conform to the "laws" that come standard with any relationship I've had. I have been sucessful at times and unsuccessful at others, simply put and to make my point, I understand failures.

I have really never truly been cheated on, the closest that I have gotten to that was being lied to about the "company" that was being kept. I can remember that time and I remember being so hurt, my afterthoughts were considering whether I truly actually did feel they way I have always said I felt regarding sex, "cheating", and relationships.

I do though, what hurt me the most was the lying. I was led to believe one thing, and then discovered quite another. I really do try to live by this... if I mess up, I am looking to make amends and seek forgiveness right away while some may hide the fact and be deceitful.

Odd I know but I would rather have someone I was dating have sex outside of our relationship and tell me about it then have sex and never tell me about it. There is a power gained by knowledge, by clearing the air and ensuring that all parties are privy to the feelings, emotions, and actions that led to that point. Otherwise what is the result? One could have sex outside of the relationship and begin to have additional feelings for that person - that is what hurts, its being blindsided by the fact that there are holes in your relationship that were never communicated and cannot be fixed, something that makes someone want to love someone else.

Atlas, in this life I need to learn a lesson, I need to not judge others by my deeds but rather judge them by their own... just because I would have done an action given a situation doesn't mean they will as well. I would like to say that this lesson is going to be an easy one for me to swallow but multiple layers of pain and tears later... I doubt it..
