Friday, June 11, 2010

insights into their heart...

What are we supposed to do after all that we've been through. When everything that felt so right is wrong, now that love is gone
David Guetta

Love is such a fickle emotion, like a rising tide it sweeps in and rumbles the unexpected shore and then after just a few short moments rides back out to sea leaving the shore as it is less a few thousand grains of sand. Likewise love will sweep into our lives and leave us just as quickly - still intact just a little less of us.

This feeling of a fleeting love I thought once only existed for those who are young and inexperienced in life, but as I've come to know now - love is fleeting at any age.

What ever happened to the adage of "death do us part"? Why do we treat our relationships and our commitments as a commodity that can be returned or exchanged after "a good try". As many of you know I live my life precariously through literature and movies - I script my life ( especially my love life) like a movie and I love the moments that turn out to be "breath taking" and "amazing". For me the idea of loving then leaving is a hard concept to grasp, especially for the reasons that many leave.

Imagine for a moment couples who have endured torture together, couples who have lived on almost nothing, couples that that trekked our great country and survived to raise a family. Are we so one sighted to believe that one of the spouses in the partnership were doubtful of a "happy" outcome... and still they continued.. they trekked.. they suffered... they endured.. together.

The highlights of your life are never your birth or your death, its always the journeys and experiences that are the true highlights. How tried and true is your love unless you endure the difficulties and enjoy the prosperity? How fair is it to ride out the prosperity and vanish for the difficulties? Why was sticking around good for our great grandparents and those before them, despite the difficulties their generations faced, and we cannot adopt that sense of commitment, that sense of the word "I love you", the true sense of "death do us part"?

I suppose I am a little old fashioned but I would take a gamble and say we have endured nothing as couples in our "age" unlike those before us... and yet our happy ending is always so pivotal - our happy ending is always based on the last happy experience...

How I wish this wasn't the case.