Sunday, February 21, 2010

Being me...

"drenched in vanilla twilight I'll sit on the front porch all night waist deep in thought because when I think of you I don't feel so alone" - Owl City

So I came to this realization today after I watched an indie gay movie call "Almost Normal". It was a good movie, I actually think I may have seen some of it previously but never the whole movie. Regardless.. I came to the realization that I am an Aquarian. I am tried and true the exact definition of an Aquarius... a dreamer.

I don't know why this was such a revelation to me but it was. I am beginning to really understand even more so how I tick. I will watch a movie or read a book and get lost in it. I come to at the end of it with a new sense of how love and life should be. At times I often even try to script life to the story that I want to be told, but believe me when I tell you that this doesn't hardly ever work out.

Anyways, so I watch this movie and I have this overwhelming calm come over me. I realize that life is so short and that I live in the past way too much. I have fears and worries about things that should not be of a concern for me. I am 24, I am successful, I have nice things and a good job. I have and I am making a lot of friends, all of whom have been an awesome support to my journey that I have lived thus far. So I have come to this conclusion ( for as long as this fleeting inspiration stays with me) I have a timetable only for life. Life for me means work, friends, and home. If someone during this time in their life at 24 decided that they were not going to be serious about life ( in the definition I just gave it) they could possibly be setting themselves up for failure. With no career, income, home, or friends it makes for a unstable foundation that is needed in order to build the rest of your life upon.

I for one am going to stop putting a timetable on love, an aspect of LIFE that doesn't have a prerequisite for the remainder of life. Love can come at any moment and can leave in mere minutes or hours so why focus energies on finding it and keeping it when it can be something that can come later.

Can I tell you a secret... my biggest fear: I will never find and keep love. While these thoughts still plague my mind the fact remains that there are far more important items that have much sooner deadlines to meet then love.

Welcome to the world of a dreamer... until I am inspired next.. thanks for reading!